So.. after much procrastination Chris and I have finally set a date to get married.. and I think we have got a pretty good idea of what we would like as far as a reception goes. Looks like we will be getting married on Friday the 13th of June. I was thinking maybe the first weekend of June, but that is Lo's birthday plus it just seems cool to do it on friday the 13th.. I have to talk to my dad, but i want to have the "reception" two days later on that sunday at his house. It will be the perfect weather for a fun, casual outdoor bbq with cake, lots of people that I love, and maybe even a few tacky decorations.
Im positive my dad will think its a great idea. I think between myself and the creativity of my sisters and Janell that it will turn out nice and pretty inexpensive. I think thats a lot of the reason I've put off making any real plans. Neither of our parents are in a position to help financially and Im not going into debt for a wedding! I don't even like weddings but after thinking about it as much as I have.. i've decided to just do it my way. I think I was scared of people thinking it was tacky but I really dont care. I don't like dresses, or flowers, or doing the freakin' chicken dance. I just like Chris, and want to marry him so I'm doing it my way.