Saturday, November 24, 2007

warm & fuzzies

So, my living room is a mess, dishes need to be cleaned, carpets need to be vacuumed but goddammit my christmas tree is up! My $30-stayed up all night-lived through hell-froze my ass off-but $30 tree! I had been collecting various different ornaments through craft swaps and thrift stores and I really like how it all came together. Its pretty.

For some reason I have always really loved christmas trees. I love looking at them and they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (few things do that). I guess now that its up and decorated I should go start on those dishes.


Sarah Bellum said...

Can we sit around it and drink soon? Because that's what makes me warm and fuzzy, or just fuzzy... I forget.

rockandcookies said...

love it

Maddie said...

Can't wait to see your tree!

Ascore said...

That is SO cute.