Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Real vs. Pretend

I used a mannequin to model all of my stuff for ebay and etsy this week and I really like how the pictures came out.

From a customers point of view I would be interested in finding out what is more visually appealing. A lot of people say they like clothing to be modeled on a real person so they can judge the fit and compare sizing but I have also heard the opposite and people don't want to buy clothes already worn by someone.. even if it was only for a minute or two.

What do you think, which picture would make you want to buy the shirt more.. or not at all.. whatever..!


Unknown said...

i don't know... but i love the black with little flowers top. super cute!

drop dead chris said...

I think the mannequin looks more professional, but thats me :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing against Jen, but I'm bored of her look. I love the mannequin. Can you put big funky rings on her? Seriously, use the plastic girl.

Anonymous said...

I like the mannequin; though I grew up in a house that kept a headless mannequin in the front window, dressed according to season.

rockandcookies said...

I'm on the mannequin's team. I think it's maybe because she's sort of shiny. Also I agree with Sarah about giving her accessories.

Lori said...

I vote mannequin, too. Those pics looks great.